Saturday, September 13, 2008

Today's List of Good Things

1. I read the twelfth chapter of “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying"(西藏生死书)and learned the Giving and Receiving Method(施受法) which may help me with my social anxiety disorder. Thank you for introducing me to this book, Sangye Norbu.

2. I called one of my closest childhood friends and set up a time to visit her home. She is expecting a new born. I'm gonna buy her some gifts for a baby girl.

3. I visited a couple of blogs and found out that there are people who are going through similar struggles with social anxiety disorder(SAD) as I do. Some have mentioned how hopeless they feel. I commented on their blogs and encouraged them not to lose hope. As long as we keep doing our exercises of overcoming SAD and be positive about ourselves, we will eventually be able to come out of this dark tunnel. We can do that by rewiring our brain. The key is consistency.

4. As part of my exercises, I read "The ANTs Handout" out loud.

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