Monday, January 26, 2009

Strange Dreams

For those of you who have been following my blog may remember once I wrote about this guy I work with that I thought I had feelings of. Later I said it was unreal for us to be together and I was over it. But you know what? This guy has appeared in my dream a couple of days ago....again! Yes, it was the second time that he appeared in my dream as my boyfriend.

I dreamed of him out of no reason at all. I was not thinking about him and I thought I was over him. In both dreams, we were at either my home or his. In the second dream, he actually confessed his feelings towards me, then the next scene, we were at home eating with other coworkers(though no face looked familiar to me, but just seemed like they were our coworkers). And the coworkers were giving out ideas about how we should handle our relationship at work.

One thing for sure is that I SO want to have a serious relationship that would lead to marriage. As of him, he is not Chinese. Although he says he doesn't think he'll eventually go back to his country, but I think eventually that's what he'll do(back to his country). And it's unimaginable for me to live in his country. I would not want to leave China again.

There's also another problem...his height. He's probably shorter than me. I've never dated anyone who's shorter than myself. It is kind of a problem for me...

One friend has said that the reason I dreamed of him is probably because of my strong desire to be romantically involved with someone. I'll try to think this way instead of seeing him in a romantic way. It's just surreal to be with him.

It's Chinese New Year Eve last night. I've got 7 days off that I don't know what to do with! I've got to do something meaningful during this break. Else I'll just be sitting at home doing nothing all day. I've got to do something productive! I may go visit one temple each day. We'll see.

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!


Lula said...

Happy Chinese New Year to you!

You'll know when you have found the right man. I am a firm believer in that. It will come when you least expect it!

Miyonao said...

Thanks Lulabelle. The thing is I've once thought I found the one. Then at the end, it didn't turn out that way. So I'm not sure about my instinct since then...

Well, I'll wait and see.

mile191 said...

very nice. hope you are doing well with your time off. Happy Chinese New Year. What a great time of year to recommit to doing well for ourselves and those around us.


Well . you say romantic or ..I think she is very sensuous, and I remember RILKE ...people are stranger...and you say dreams are.