Monday, March 2, 2009

The One of a Lifetime

Some people say that everyone has the one of lifetime who's destined to be bonded with. Others say it's like winning a lottery to find that destined one, and it won't happen to most people. Instead they'll more likely to marry someone who's not the righ one. Some also say that the first time he met his wife, he knew immediately that she were the one.

For me, this is all confusing. Where should I look? What should I be hoping for? Should I not think about it at all since some people say that destined one will appear when you least expected.

I know, the right attitude towards this is to live and enjoy my life, not to think about it too much, and eventually he'll appear. Will I know it if it does happen? I have no idea. What if he will never do? Is that a possiblity too? I guess so. There's no guarantees in life. Will I end up empty handed in the ending days of my life? Guess that's totally possible too.

Well, just wondering... We all need to be in love. That's for sure.


Shadow said...

all the questions. where are the answers... i go with "when you least expect it, it happens"

Lula said...

I agree with Shadow. It seems when you stop looking, the perfect one appears!

spacedlaw said...

Not sure about the "knowing about THE one", but you can get a good feeling after a while, if that or that person is one you might want to spen your days with or not.

Miyonao said...

Thank you for all of your comments! I guess I just need to be patient.

Dan H said...

The more comfortable you are with yourself, the more attractive you will be to others; and also, the more confident you will be in knowing when the "right" one comes along. Focus on developing your relationship with yourself, and others will follow.

Miyonao said...

Wow, thank you, Dan. I couldn't agree more. I feel like hearing something that's exactly what I needed to focus. Thanks again for your wise advice!